My kid's never ending questions

 I am a mom of two naughty boys.. My first son sanjay is very talkative and I couldn't handle him most of the time. He can even survive without eating but he can't even shut his mouth for more than five minutes(most of the time I love to talk with him but sometimes I really want to escape from his endless talks).

The following is the conversation with him when we travel to home by metro train. We have returned from  tamilnadu to hyderabad after a 2 day trip to trip and we took a metro train to reach home from a drop print of bus. As soon as we got into the train he started asking questions (😒😒before itself also he did the same)

We entered the train and all seats were full but a gentleman given his seat since I was carrying my one year old son..  I take the seat and let sanjay stand in front of me.. then he started

Sanjay: Why are you sitting and I am standing. I want to sit too..

Me: If you sit you can't see through the window so stand here and enjoy the view

Sanjay: I want to stand with dad
(His dad was standing near the door)

Me: No no you can't stand near the door because you are too short to reach the grab handle. So just hold this vertical pole in front of me and stand safely.

(A brother sitting next to me left his seat for sanjay and moved away)

Sanjay: I can't see through the window so can I kneel down on the seat and watch through the window?

Me: No . ... You can't do that.. please sit properly

(He still did that)

Me: 🀦🀦🀦🀦

Sanjay: I am hungry .. Can I have something to eat?

Me: No .. You have to wait until we reach home.

Sanjay: I have said before itself that I am hungry. Why did you get into the train so fast.. we should have eat before getting into the train

Me: Its getting late that's the reason

(The person sitting next to me get off the train and there was a do not sit here symbol in his seat)

Sanjay: What does the sticker on the seat says?

Me: It says we should not sit on the seat

Sanjay:  Why shouldn't we sit?

Me: Its because of corona

Sanjay: I can't see the corona virus.. Is it invisible

Me: Corona virus is not in the seat.. But government said to maintain social distance and leave the marked seat.

Sanjay: Then why are you sitting next to me

Me: We are a family. So we can sit

Sanjay: Why  did you sat near that uncle

Me: Because I can't stand carrying your brother and it was the only vacant seat

Sanjay: Okay..  This train have doors on two sides.. why only left side door is opening?

Me: Its because platforms are only coming left side of the train and right side of the train only having railway track..

Sanjay: Then why this train having doors on the both sides? Why don't it have doors on left side only

Me: When this train returns the platforms will comes on the right side.  Then right side doors will open

(There was a recorded voice playing each stations)
(Next station is -----. The doors will open on the left)

Sanjay:  Only left side doors are opening all the station..  Why are they keep telling them

Me:  If anyone riding on this train for the first time they don't know about it.. so they are announcing this in all stations

Sanjay: Doors only opening in the left side.. if they don't even announce it everybody knows it

Me: Please be quite I don't know

Sanjay: What are those foot prints on the floor

Me: Standing passengers should stand on the sticker to maintain social distancing

Sanjay: How can we stand on that small sticker. Our foot is bigger than that

Me: 😬😬😬
My mind voice: I just  want to jump from the train.. I want a answering robot for my son..

I know many of the parents will relate to this.. Most of the time we get irritated but remember they will grow up soon and we will miss these moments.. So enjoy every minute with your kids and stay happy😍😍😍


  1. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚very smart kid

  2. This is right age to teach good thinks to your son sister

  3. such a cute story. wonderful writing. i can relate to the last paragraph. please keep writing! πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘Œ


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